Bipolar is a very harsh disorder because it has various ways that make his/her life difficult, in bipolar disorder affect men and women equally specially in the ages of 15 threw 25. To diagnose bipolar you have to do first is ask your family medical history, particularly whether anyone has or had bipolar disorder. Second, observe your behavior and mood. Last, ask about your recent mood swings and for how long you've experienced them. There are three types of bipolar Type 1 being the harshest is mania and depression, Type 2 hypomania and Type 3 cyclomania. Some symptoms of bipolar are: Agitation or irritation, Inflated self esteem, Little need for sleep, Noticeably elevated mood, Poor temper control, Lack of self control, Hyperactivity, Tendency to be easily distracted, Suicidal thoughts. Some ways to treat it are: 1)Lithium- mood stabilizer, 2)Antidepressant, 3)Electroconvulsive therapy- when bipolar disorder that does not respond to medication. Evan Perry was very difficult to understand because the video we saw mostly he was very happy he obtained good grades, and he interacted well with society. The only problem is that he could not control himself without his medication and that made him commit a horrible mistake to his life.
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