miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

Cultural and Gender

In the gender sex difference the probability of genetically based differences between the quality of male and female memory remains unknown, the results suggest that females currently hold the advantage in episodic memory. That is because in future experiments women have a better developed sense that give them advantages from men."Dreams are private, so the only way someone else would know about it is if you talked to them about it," he says, "so it's an interesting test of the social interaction model." The researchers found that, as they had hypothesized, Caucasians' average age for their first remembered dream was almost one year younger than that of Asians--5.6 years old compared with 6.4 years."


Article #3

Some researchers at the University of California, Davis, called Weiwei Zhang, a postdoctoral scholar, and Steve Luck, a professor of psychology, both at the UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain. The test consisted of the accuracy of a short-term memory and the probability that the memory still existed. The experiment concluded that “either had the memory or didn’t have the memory,” Luck said, “and the probability of having it decreased between four and ten seconds. The memories did not gradually fade away.” This may happen in real life because the short term memory happens very often now in days because there are people having a very short term memory.


Article #2

Authors were Stefano Puntoni, Bart de Langhe, and Stijn van Osselaer, in the experiment what the authors did was tested different slogans with participants and found differences in how the messages were perceived. The three men thought that the effect was not due to the differences of language or maybe the participants difficulty in understanding copy written in foreign languages. "We find that the emotional advantage of consumers' native language depends on personal memories and the language context in which those memories were generated". The researchers found that the effect happens more in women than in men. They believe that women have a stronger memory for emotional events than men. This can happen in real life because sometimes you cant comunicate with other people because or they cant speak your same language or they cant speak at all, so you try to use common signs to comunicate with them.
